Wednesday, February 10, 2010

pages, pages

Oh, here is a cutie patootie picture of our nephew Harrison from the twins birthday party.

Has anyone else noticed that Blogger has added an option to add pages to your blog? I hadn't, but another blogger mentioned it. Finally! When you click on "new post" there is a button next to the "edit posts" option called "edit pages."

Pages, Pages!! Yay!

Now, I haven't done anything with this blog yet, but I have messed around with it a little on my adoption blog. I wanted to keep my main page as my journal type area, with my regular blog posts, but I wanted to have our adoption story and a background on us included as well. It just seemed like maybe, and I mean maybe, a birth mom might come across our blog and want to read about us, not just read my blog posts. So I wanted background on there as well, and I included pictures of us and our family as well.

I know it's not a huge thing, but so many people have moved to Wordpress because they have multiple pages. But now, here we go! Pages.


Alison said...

Good news. Wordpress does have great options so I'm happy that Blogger is catching up.

Frizzy said...

I need the link to your adoption page again please. When our computer crashed I lost that one. How are you all doing?

Maria said...

Yippeeee. I saw it too but haven't played around with it. I'm in a blogging rut. Maybe the next time I'm procrastinating about something I'll tinker around. :)

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